22Seven boasts the following functionalities:
- The ability to view your money in a single place.
- Personalised budgets that may be automatically generated.
- Real-time tracking of your funds from anywhere in the world.
- The ability to effectively invest your funds.
This tutorial will cover:
- Get Started
- Linking an account
- Linking multiple accounts
- Setting and tracking goals
- Adding something you have or owe
- Transactions
- Budget
- Nudges
- Settings
Getting Started
Step 1: Access the 22seven website by inserting the following link into the web browser on your device: www.22seven.com. This should open up the landing page:Step 2: Select the SIGN UP, IT’S FREE button:
The following page should open up:
Step 3: Enter the required information (your name, email address, confirm your email address and create a password):
Once you have completed the required fields, select the Get started button:
Linking an account
This should take you to the following page:
Step 4: Select the Link an account button:
This should take you to the following page:
For more options, scroll down and select the SHOW MORE button:
This should take you to the following page where you will be able to find an entire list of additional financial service providers:
Step 5: Select a service provider for the account that you wish to link by clicking on the name of the company (I have selected Discovery as an example):
This should take you to the following page:
Step 6: Complete the required fields (Username and Password) with the details you would use when accessing the actual service provider on their website:
Ensure that you read and understand the ‘terms of service’ and the ‘privacy policy’. If you agree with these terms and policies, in order to proceed, you will need to tick the command box:
Once you have ticked the box, you qualify to proceed. If you do not accept the ‘terms of service’ and the ‘privacy policy’, you will not be able to proceed and thus your data will not be linked. To proceed select the NEXT button:
This should take you to the following page:
Check your details. If your information is correct, select the CONFIRM button:
This should take you to the following page:
Once your information has been linked you will be directed to an information page:
Select the OKAY button to proceed:
This action should take you to the Accounts page:
The ACCOUNTS tab acts as the dashboard. It in this view that you will be able to get an overview of all the accounts you have linked. Select the account to view your account balance:
The dashboard may look similar to this:
Additional functionalities:
A. Linking multiple accounts
Step A1: If you wish to link multiple accounts select the blue button located at the bottom right-hand corner of the ACCOUNTS dashboard page:
A list of options will pop up:
Step A2: Select +Link an account:
Follow the same process outlined by steps 1 – 7 above. Multiple accounts will all be listed within the ACCOUNTS dashboard view:
B. Setting and tracking goals
This is the investment feature. This feature allows you to set financial goals, make the best appropriate investment choices in line with these goals, track these goals and add money to the investment/s whenever you desire.
Step B1: To access this feature navigate to the black pane on the left or via the blue button in the bottom right-hand corner of the page:
The following page should open up:
Scroll through the dialog boxes by selecting the NEXT button. This will explain the functionality of the GOALS feature within the application:
Once you have completed reading through the functionality select the NEXT button:
The following page should open up:
Step B2: Select a goal based on what you wish to save for by navigating to the relevant option and clicking on it:
If your required goal is not listed, select the Something else option:
The following page should open up (the lay out is identical irrespective of your selection):
Step B3: Enter the required details by (1) naming your goal, (2) inserting the amount you require to achieve your goal, (3) allocating a time-line, (4) selecting the risk probability ratio and (5) allocating a starting amount which should be more than R350:
The information that you enter will give rise to an amount that you need to save on a monthly basis for your allocated duration:
Select the NEXT button to proceed:
The following page should open up:
This page selects the most appropriate investment option to reach your goal based on your risk selection, the time-line that you have indicated and the amount that you wish to achieve. It gives you a summary of the fund, the cost involved in subscribing to this investment type and the ability to learn more about the fund:
If you wish to learn more about the fund select the LEARN MORE button. This should take you to an information leaflet in PDF format in a separate tab:
If you wish to explore other fund options select the SEE ALL FUNDS button:
This should take you to the following page, where you can learn more about the different investment options and select an alternative if you wish:
Whichever fund you wish to have whether it is from the original selection or an alternative from the list above, select the SELECT button to proceed (the process is the same irrespective of the fund-type chosen):
The following page should open up:
The SELECTED button should be green which indicates that you have selected this investment option. To proceed select the NEXT button:
The following page should open up:
You have the choice of selecting a TAXED or a TAX-FREE option. Make your selection by clicking on the SELECT button. Your selection will turn green. To proceed select the NEXT button:
The following page should open up:
Step B4: You will need to add the account from where you will allocate funds to your goal. Select the add another account button:
The following page should open up:
Step B5: Enter the required details – (1) the account holder’s name, (2) select your bank from the drop-down list, (3) enter your account number and (4) select the type of account. To proceed select the SAVE button:
Now select your Source of funds from the drop-down list:
You have the option of setting up a debit order. If you prefer this option proceed by selecting the NEXT button:
If you wish to turn-off the debit order feature select the On button and proceed by selecting the NEXT button:
You should arrive at a CONFIRMATION page:
Read the terms and conditions. If you accept and the information is true, tick each box. Thereafter select the COMPLETE button:
The following dialog box will appear:
Step B6: You may set additional goals by selecting the SET GOAL button (follow steps B1-B5):
Step B7: To view the dashboard select the GOALS DASHBOARD button:
The dashboard view:
C. Adding something you have or owe
Step C1: Navigate to the ACCOUNTS dashboard and select the blue button located in the bottom right-hand corner of the page. A menu should pop-up. Select the Add something you have or owe option:
The following page should open up:
Step C2: Enter the required details – (1) select whether it is something to have or owe, (2) from the drop-down menu select the account type, (3) name the transaction and (4) enter the value. Thereafter select the NEXT button:
This should take you to the following page:
Step C3: Select the icon that best displays your situation and select it by clicking on it. This should take you to the following page:
Confirm your details and select the CONFIRM button:
This should take you to the ACCOUNTS dashboard:
D. Transactions
This functionality allows you to view your transactions in a dashboard format. You will be able to see where and how your money is being allocated on a daily basis.
Step D1: Navigate to the TRANSACTIONS button located on the black pane on the left-hand side of the page:
This should take you to the following page:
Step D2: Select the +Link an account button and follow steps 1-7
E. Budget
The 22seven application affords the user a budget feature in which it auto generates a personalised budget. This budget is constructed based on your spending and saving behaviour.
Step E1: Navigate to the BUDGET category on the black pane located on the left-hand side of the page. Select this option:
The following page should open up:
Step E2: Select the Link an account button and proceed as indicated by steps 1-7. The completion of the requested actions should take you to a dashboard view:
This feature allows you to receive regular personalised insights about your money. Nudges are in the form of useful tips that help you to utilise your funds effectively. This information is based on your spending behaviour. The nudges are based on your budget. Once you have loaded your budget, this information will reflect.
Step F1: Navigate to the NUDGES category on the black pane on the left-hand side of the page:
This should take you to the following page:
Step F2: Select the GO TO YOUR BUDGET button:
This should take you to your budget dashboard.
Lastly… Settings
To update your settings, navigate to the black pane on the left-hand side of the screen and select SETTINGS:
This should take you to the following page:
Update your settings with your preferences.
Initially you might want to try out only one account to get the feel for it, but as you get more comfortable you can add more accounts.
22Seven prides itself in it's security as well as you can see below:
If you are already using 22Seven or you this post inspired you to do so, let me know what your experience was in the comments section.
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