Many South Africans don't know what Google is and even more don't know how to use Google effectively to their benefit. I answer many emails each day from people who ask me questions that can be found in a few seconds if they just took the time to 'Google' it. I love googling these things and sending the links I find and I'm an instant hero! Google is easy to use and Google is your friend. Anyone can get good at it and impress their friends!
A lecturer once told me that a computer gives back what you put in. Google is exactly the same. If you type in rubbish then you will get rubbish thrown back at you. So stop typing in rubbish and become a Google Search Expert!
How to use Google effectively:
You should be as specific as possible with your questions.
Try to include a make, model, name of the item/product, etc. and anything else with your query. eg. I was trying to find email profile settings for a Samsung D600 to send emails using gmail and that's exactly what I typed in.
Always check your spelling!
Even though Google corrects words for you and is very accurate you should always check your spelling. Say it is a very technical thing you're searching for or even a recipe, spelling could mean finding the result you're looking for or not finding it at all.
Phrase questions properly.
Phrase your questions with 'how to do something' or 'what to do when this happens". If you type in exactly what you want you will get something out that will help you.
Keep trying.
If you can't find what you are looking for immediately don't despair. Paraphrase, change it around or mix it up. Include Keywords, like if you're searching for Sweet & Sour Pork recipes, type it in exactly like that. Don't type recipes. Type the whole question out like you asked it in your mind.
If you are really serious about becoming a search expert you should enroll in Google's free Search Education course.
Create an account
Please see my blog post about creating a Gmail account for more info.