Currently there are more remote workers than ever. However, due to the Novel CoronaVirus employers have opted to let their employees work from home. This is no easy task and takes some getting used to. Likely, this brings more opportunities for those that are willing to change with times.
Remote Worker/Working From Home
Having worked remotely for more than 2 years I picked up a few tips for remote work. These tips helped me get settled into the remote work scene and thrive. Anyone can thrive and be focused while working from home, if you equip yourself with the right tools.
So you want to be the star employee? While increasing your productivity while working from. Here is how to do just that and remain sane and productive at the same time:

Never work in pajamas
This is especially true if you are trying to get used to working from home and finding it difficult. When you get up, shower, brush your teeth and dress yourself. Your morale will be higher than working in pajamas.
Try and avoid working on the bed
You don’t want to be too comfortable as the body gets sleepy. Think of when you go for a massage. You are too comfortable then you fall asleep. When you reach that comfort level you are not as productive as sitting on a comfortable chair.
Avoid having too many distractions around you
If you are living with other people they could be distracting at times or having your Whatsapp, Facebook and a news site open at the same time. Try and avoid these and you will get more done in less time. If it’s the people you live with, tell them you are working during 8:00 – 17:00 and you will make time for meaningful conversations.
Wake up early
Wake up early enough to not feel stressed when you have to start work. That gives you time to read and respond to your messages, have breakfast, and/or just relax.
Remember to eat
Prepare your lunch before you start working to give yourself time to relax when you take your break.
Take breaks
Going out for a breath of fresh air always helps you clear your mind and focus. When I can’t go outside like if you don’t live on the ground floor, I sit on the balcony. If you can, go into your backyard and just take a breath. This also helps if your eyes are feeling strained.
Communication is key
When working from home you might start feeling alone and frustrated. Communicate anything and everything to your superiors and chat with colleagues every now and then. There are others struggling with the same thing you are struggling with.
Set work goals
You might be following a work management schedule (if you are not, create one right now. This is key to staying on top of your to do list), but that is not your work goals. Example: If you are a writer and working on a linking project for that day set a goal of how many links you want to complete and work towards that goal. If the previous day you completed 50, aim for 55 the next day.
Keep your environment clean
Working in a dirty environment does not promote productivity and contributes negatively to your mood.
Sleep at a reasonable hour
You are going to be tempted to stay up late. Especially if you are binge watching any series and you know you don’t have to leave your house. This also contributes negatively to your mood as you wake up tired and cranky. Resist the urge at all costs!
These should help you get settled into working from home and into a routine. Finding your routine is not always easy, but if you follow these simple tips you’ll get into the hang of things and enjoy it.
Do you have any questions? Reach out to me in the comment section. Happy working 🙂

Well done. Very informative and interesting article.
Well done. Proud of you!