After a long time and many requests I finally present how to link PayPal to FNB to withdraw your money. Originally I wanted to show you another way to do this through Payoneer, but Payoneer no longer allows you to withdraw money from PayPal. This will be an easy tutorial, but setting up an online banking profile for PayPal as a non-FNB user does have some complications if you had an FNB account in the past. No matter how long ago it has been!
What you need:
- Your personal details such as address, I.D. number, etc.
- A PayPal account.
- A healthy dose of patience. 🙂
How to link PayPal to FNB tutorial
- Visit
- Now click on Register right at the top next to the Username textbox.

- Select Register for PayPal.

- Now you have the option of choosing for yourself or your business. I chose for me.

- You are presented with four options. Choose to the one that is correct for you. I chose I do not bank with FNB.

- Fill in your details.
- Fill in some more details. Number 5 is important and you should remember your User ID and Password.
- Now you can tick that you agree to the Terms and Conditions.

- Click the Submit button.

- Once you’re happy with the information, you can then go ahead and click the Confirm button.

This is where having an account with FNB 10 years ago came to bite me in the bum. It wouldn’t let me open the account and said I should contact them or visit the nearest FNB branch to sort things out. Luckily this blog post explains how to deal with this issue.
Let me know if you have any problems opening your account, but be warned if you have ever had an FNB account before!
P.S. Dan, a reader of this blog, shared instructions on how to withdraw money from your PayPal account once you have registered with FNB:
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How to link your PayPal account to your FNB bank account:
- Log in to your FNB account at
- Select My bank Accounts or Forex and then select ‘Menu.’
- Click “PayPal Services,” then select ‘Menu’ again.
- From here, click “Link PayPal Profile.”
- Complete the instructions to link your accounts. You’ll need to log into your PayPal account to confirm that you are the account holder.
After linking your PayPal account to your FNB account, here’s how to transfer money from your PayPal account to your FNB bank account:
- Log in to your FNB account at
- Select My bank Accounts or Forex and then select ‘Menu.’
- Click “PayPal Services,” then select ‘Menu’ again.
- From here, click “Withdraw from PayPal”
- Follow the prompt to complete the withdraw request.
error sol bankit already present
Any solution to this ,I Am also experiencing the same problem
Good day ya’ll,
I have been reading through the comments. All of them talk about withdrawals and not purchases or sending money. Is this not part of linking the two…Paypal and Fnb?
Hi. What is the Balance of Payments Reporting Details, it keeps giving me an error saying wrong BoP details
Hi Kurt
I hope you are well and had a good weekend.
My FNB account is linked to Paypal for years now.
On paypal it is now saying I need to link it to my FNB account
I need a routing number for this – I’ve googled away and can’t seem to find anywhere. It also doesn’t come up on the search on the FNB site.
Thank you so much for your help
Routing number 081205112
Can i just say i have tried this number several times…IT DOES NOT WORK. WHAT AM I DOING WRONG? THANK YOU IN ADVANCE.
Hi Kurt, yes it was a mission to link Paypal to FNB – if they explained that there is a menu tab in yellow or orange on the left side to use it would have helped – yes yes I got it all right. I managed to withdraw from Paypal however upon investigating the transaction FNB reads “pending” next to the withdrawal amount. My banking details and all other details that was needed was in order. This seems strange. is it because I have to wait longer – it has been 2 days.
Hey Marieta
I am so glad to see that you could withdraw. I was looking at the date you posted this and thought i would want of you to explain to me how to link my FNB account please? Because i have been struggling since around this time to get it right. I have my paypal setup, bank with fnb, online banking in order however, when i try linking my account from paypal i cannot due to getting incorrect routing numbers all the time. When i try linking from FNB side i just cant seem to get it right please please help. Its sooo frustrating.
Kind Regards
Hello Ruby,
I did some research on this and came upon this link. I hope it will help.
Kind regards
I’ve been trying to do this but it keeps saying there’s an error “sol bankit already exists” I don’t know what that means cause I have never had a online shopping account with them at all so it makes no sense and when I try again it says the profile name is already used so what do I do
hi kurt, i have linked my pay pal account to my fnb account and now know how to withdraw my money but when i go to get a quote my account does not show and when i view my business details under the pay pal services, next to where my card is shown it says failed verification. how to verify that card ?
how do i collect money from PayPal without having an fnb account
fnb site is the most annoying site there is,full of useless buttons that dont work,,,cant register on the official site close to a week now
If anyone has ever had this issue.
I got my documents validated.
I got so busy with work I forgot my password, so I tried to reset it.I then got the below.
E-100 mammoth.otp.PrepareOTPNavigator returned false with a success code
I have mailed FNB support and waiting on what to do 🙁
I have read the comments above with regards to that you must link a credit card to PayPal in order to withdraw the funds.
Can I link my woolworths credit card(they are with ABSA)? or should I use my Capitec credit card?
Hey, Michelle,
I’m currently experiencing the very same problem when confirming my details on the first step when linking PayPal to withdraw funds:
E-100 mammoth.otp.PrepareOTPNavigator returned false with a success code
I’ve uploaded my documents and it says that my status is compliant. Unsure of what to do from this point. I keep checking and re-checking my details to make sure that everything consistent, but that error code always pops up.
I bank with Standard Bank and have cheque card linked with PayPal. I don’t think this should be an issue, but you never know.
Have you had any success in the month since you posted this?
Hi there Suhail
How did you go about submitting your documents and where does one submit them?
Blessing or Kurt please help. I have a global account with FNB. I bank with them.
I would like to transfer my USD currency from PayPal account to my global cheque account with FNB.
1. Is this possible? I do not want my funds converted AT ALL.
2. If this is not possible, kindly advise if there are other options for me to get my currency from PayPal account to FNB global account.
3. Again, these funds will remain in USD. I do not want it converted to ZAR at all.
Please help?
Some of the information provided here is incorrect:
1. You cannot link any South African Bank Account to PayPal.
2. You can only link a US Bank Account to PayPal if you have one – Use your US Bank’s Routing Number and Account Number to link the Bank Account to PayPal.
3.1 Call FNB Call Centre and ask them to direct you to PayPal, or
3.2 For PayPal related queries please contact 0875729725,
3.3 Do not click on the FNB Call Me Back link. After completing FNB’s Call Me Back form, they will email you; however, they will not call you back.
4.1 You can link your FNB, Capitec [and other South African Banks] Credit Cards to PayPal.
4.2.1 You will have to confirm your Credit Card, with a minimum of R40 in your account.
4.2.2 PayPal will refund this to you within 24 hours [if you bank with Capitec], and in about 3 days [if you bank with FNB].
4.3.1 You will then see a 4-digit Confirmation Code on your Bank Statement – under your Pending Transactions – which you will then submit on your PayPal account.
4.4 That will complete the linking of your South African Credit Card to PayPal.
5.1 You will then create the FNB Account, and link your South African Credit Card for PayPal withdrawals into your Bank Account.
5.2 You will have to select your Bank Account of choice to transact on PayPal [Any South African Bank Account].
Many blessings…
PS Thereafter withdrawals will take up to 7 days to be transferred from PayPal into your Bank Account.
Many blessings…
Thank you for your input Blessings! 🙂
Hi Blessing,
2. You can only link a US Bank Account to PayPal if you have one – Use your US Bank’s Routing Number and Account Number to link the Bank Account to PayPal.
I have a UNFCU savings bank account issued in the US with the 9-digit routing number. Does is matter or not if my card is a debit card and not a credit card. Or what matters is the account number itself?
Thank you for the info…
Please go FNB branch they will link your account with Paypal. It is complecated but happens
After nearly exhausting my “healthy dose of patience” i finally linked the account. But now paypal will not allow me to transfer the money i have with them because they say my bank is declining due to insufficient. how much does it charge? and do need to have money in the fnb account? if so how much?
Are you trying to purchase something or are you trying to withdraw your PayPal funds to FNB?
I tried to add my paypal with FNB but when it got to time i add my credit card they declined and it sems why card has a debt of -230rands is that why?? and i thought they add account but why the credit card
Hi Josephine,
You should contact both FNB and PayPal to resolve the matter.
HI Kurt.
I have an issue so i set up my online banking profile on fnb since i am not a fnb customer, but whenever i try link my fnb acc with my paypal acc it says i am unable to perform the following because FICA requirements are outstanding. How do i fix this?
Hi Loren,
You will have to go in to an FNB branch near you and submit those outstanding documents.
Hi Kurt? I’m trying to transfer money from PayPal to my FNB account but is asking me a routing number and I don’t know it can you please help me with the routing number
I’m from Namibia.
did you get it right dear with pay-pal connecting to FNB account
Hi is it possible that I can transfer the money from my Shyft Forex account to PayPal
Hi Lumka,
You should inquire with Shyft Forex whether that is possible or not.
Hi Kurt. What’s the routing number for FNB?i tried to search for it but I could find routing numbers go first national banks in US.can you help me?
Hi Rainy,
You can use their universal routing number: 250655
Hi Kurt when i click on withdraw funds its asking for a US bank account? do i complete my FNB details there?
Hi Pieter,
No. Please follow the tutorial following beginning at step 1.
Hello there,
FNB requires a 9 digit routing number, apparently, it’s on the lower-left corner of a cheque. However, I do not have a cheque book. Where to find this number, please?
Kurt, I’m surprised that nobody seems to have a problem with the “reason” (BOP) code when setting up the transaction. The list of codes supplied by SARS is rather restrictive.
I’m setting up a store sourcing products from the USA and selling only into the USA with the proceeds going into my PayPal Wallet. There is no code that accurately describes my business. FNB states that if there is no code describing your transfer, you can’t use this facility. Who knows what the alternatives are?
Hi Henry,
That is a good topic to explore.
Here are the terms and conditions regarding BOP Codes and required documents you need for them.
Here is a list of available BOP Codes as well as their descriptions.
So my PayPal is all set up and linked to my new FNB account (lost an entire day at Constantia FNB branch trying to get this right). All funds now transferred to my FNB account while I watched at the branch. Now I just have to wait 5-8 days for the funds to clear so I can access them. Great, right? Only not so much, as I have since gone into my FNB app to try and figure out in advance what I will have to do in order to do this myself next time. Did what I was shown… went into Forex and should then be offered the PayPal option, but… PayPal option offered 😐 I guess they failed to tell that I can’t do this from the app and will need a laptop. Thanks FNB, twats. 🙄
I went into FNB today knowing that I had an expired FNB account from 4 years ago. The lady at the counter was doing here best but after 2.5 hours, 3 phone calls and 3 attempts to register for Paypal as a non-FNB account holder later……. I ended up having to open an FNB account which took like 5 minutes. I don’t even know what account it is it was that quick but I’m sure it will cost me some extra cash. Do yourself a favour and just open whichever account the sales person tells you is cheapest. It makes me wonder if they do this on purpose to make you a customer.
What if I had a fnb account ages ago .. why wouldnt it let me register ..
Hi Theuns,
I think it is a flaw with FNB’s system. You will have to go into a branch near you to rectify it.
I’m an asylum seeker living in SA since 2010 and I was sadly surprised to find out that I can’t connect my PayPal account to my FNB Cheque account just because my asylum seeker permit is considered as a passport and I should instead update my identity details with a “residence permit” number.
Isn’t it my asylum seeker permit a recognized resident permit in SA
In case I’m mistaken, can someone suggest me what to do?
I have money in my PayPal account and I’m unable to withdraw it…
Hi Babo,
I think you should visit an FNB branch near you to solve the problem.
Hi Kurt
Thanks for the post Kurt.
My online banking session timed out before I had a chance to get the details regarding emailing my FICA documentation to FNB.
Could you please guide me on how to set up the email, and give me the email address that I need to send it to?
Thank you!
Hi Rebekah,
You are welcome.
I’ve asked Caroline to elaborate on what she knows.
Hi Caroline (: What is the right way to upload the FICA documentation? Do I just need to send a Proof of identity, residence and banking?
Hi kurt..
I just linked my account now to fnb but i cant see the paypal acc under my profile…how do i withdraw it?
Hi Dela,
It takes 24 hours to verify your non-FNB bank account before you can transact.
Have you managed to withdraw your funds already?
So what I’m getting is if you have a fnb account u can link it and withdraw your money no prob?
Hi Kurt.. have been trying to link my PayPal to my FNB account. The instructions don’t seem to work as the app is different to the instructions. In using a BlackBerry Z10, not sure if that’s a factor. I do have an FNB account. Thanks
Hi Samantha,
I’ve had a look at the app and there seems to be no way to do this via that route.
You will have to use a computer and a browser to follow these instructions.
Fast forward to today. It’s not as simple as it seems. Took me a while to figure out how to upload the docs for FICA. Got it right second time yesterday. Got sms confirmation from FNB docs approved. Then logged in to complete details and add my bank acount, This took about 5 attempts as they give you an Error if something not right but don’t say what is not right. Had to figure out by going through details with a fine toothcomb (eg there’s a way you enter your phone number and I was doing it wrong.). Finally got PayPal linked but when I wanted to withdraw, the page was not showing a bank account. After 4 attempts and much searching I finally found a message stating they need 24 hours to verify my non-FNB bank account before I can transact. It’s a lesson in extreme patience!
Hi Caroline,
Thanks for updating us on your progress and experience.
It is really helpful.
I’m glad you finally figured it out though.
Hi Caroline,
Could you please elaborate on where you uploaded the FICA docs?
Also, what format the phone number needs to be in?
This will help others when they try to complete this tutorial as well.
You have to allow the +27 to show at the top, in SA) and then type in your number with the 084 / 074 / 083 etc at the front end, as opposed to the rest of the digits after +27, only.
Just registered today. There’s an additional field on page 2 of Details No 4 for source of funds, so Marketing is now 5. FNB confirmation page “Register for PayPal Services” asking for documents but doesn’t say where I need to present them. Have emailed them to ask, as I can’t seem yet to find a link on-line to PayPal. Can you explain the process after one has registered of how one links to PayPal or am I jumping the gun here?
Have you registered for a income tax number. Once you have your registration number you have to submit it to FNB to be added to your banking profile. I think this requirement came into working around 2016.
Thank you Kurt!!!
Hi Kurt, thanks for the article. I’ve completed all the steps above but I can’t withdraw funds – I can enter my Capitec Global One details, it then gets submitted for verification, which fails. I’ve seen people saying on the Capitec Facebook that you *can’t* withdraw funds to Capitec, which would have been great to know before I made multiple trips to FNB to get an online banking login working. Sigh. Is there any update on this or can it just not be done? Has anyone actually succeeded here?
Hi Cafwen777,
I think there is a misunderstanding here.
You can withdraw your funds from PayPal using an FNB account.
If you don’t have an FNB account you can still withdraw those funds by creating an FNB online banking profile.
You cannot withdraw funds from PayPal directly to Capitec. You can only make purchases by linking your Capitec card to your PayPal account as a credit card.
Hi Kurt my FNB account is set up and PayPal. But I bank with Capitec. FNB has verified my details etc. Paypal shows my Capitec card is added but I should confirm it and when I click on confirm it says they will send me a code so when I click to receive the code. It says the card was declined by the card issuer or bank. I’ve been back and forth to Capitec and FNB. They have no clue how to help me. Is it easier if I just open an FNB account and then link that card to my PayPal in order for me to withdraw the funds in my PayPal account?
Thanks for the help. The “Unlock the content” thing is very annoying. There are better ways to gain exposure to your site/blog. Helpful nonetheless.
Hi Kurt. Please help!!! I have completed all the steps up to where I clicked finish after the linking steps but it doesn’t give me the option of ‘Withdrawing to Paypal’. This is very urgent as I need the money I have on Paypal. I am a freelance writer which means there will be more coming that I wouldn’t be able to access either. I desperately need assistance. Thanks.
Hi Annelie,
Please unlock the content here for steps on how to withdraw money from PayPal once you have a FNB account.
I get an error saying some fields required are not valid.
Hi Mireille,
The best thing would be to visit a branch near you an explain your issue.
This particular process from FNB is troublesome.
unfortunatley I am no longer located in SA
Hi Mireille,
That is unfortunate. Contact FNB on their Facebook page to see if they can help you that way.
Hey Kurt
the FNB site don’t even want me to register.
It keep saying a problem occurs in yellow.
It only give me the following options to punting my acct NR and ATM pin,
or my id and other things, but once i say submit if sent me to a page asking again for my ace nr and pin I only wan t to with draw my money out of pay pall. really frustrating and fmb’s numbers font work. to the call centers.